DAY SEVEN – Paleo Week

Hello! Last day of paleo week!! And I’m pretty hype because I MISS my oats and my hummus.  I’m going to admit, I don’t think that the paleo diet is the one for me.  I liked vegan week a lot better.  However, I did like that I could eat eggs because I’m an egg fan….

DAY SIX – Paleo Week (I failed….)

Once again, I woke up a little too late for work.. (woke up at 7:30am for 8:00am work) so breakfast was a rush.  I ended up making myself two scrambled eggs and guac.  I was pretty proud of myself because it tasted really good together.  BUT it looked really really ratchet because I put it…

DAY FIVE – Paleo Week

Welcome back! I had to go to work today at 10am and I woke up just after 9:30, so trying to make a quick breakfast was a struggle af.  But I managed to make another smoothie. Here’s what was in it: frozen blueberries frozen blackberries kale 1 banana 1/2 avocado chia seeds almond milk I…

DAY FOUR – Paleo Week

Hello! Sorry for the late post, I forgot to publish it and I just saved the entry instead… my bad! Anyways, for breakfast I had this dope smoothie.  I read something online that suggested adding a half of an avocado to a smoothie to make it even more thick/creamy and it really works. The one…

Beginning of the Project!

Hello!  Good news, my senior project begins tomorrow!  I’m pretty excited about it and I hope it goes well (I’m also pretty psyched I get to cook food and learn about nutrition instead of school). My plan for tomorrow is to: Make myself some breakfast – probably oats as per usual. Go to my Calculus…


Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  This is where I’ll be posting about my senior project.  Here are some details about it: The project has a duration of 4 weeks, from April 24th to May 23rd.  Each week, I will be trying a different style of eating.  For Week One, I will be eating vegan.  Week…